DTC DIM-U300045
Hello Guys :0)
I wonder if someone has ever got a problem with the adaptive cruise control?(XC60 2016 D4)
I got the fault code DIM-U300045.
I can only use the Cruise control for about 5mins then it shuts off telling that it is not reacheable.
It seems like it is a compatibility problem?
The ODO meter has never been modified or so(as I could see in many comments that can be a reason).
The ECM is changed as it has a water damage so the only thing is done is that the old one was copied(cloned?) and replaced.
Otherwise everything works as it should.
Do you have any Idea/suggestion what can be done ?
Many thanks in forehands to you all and Wish You A Happy New Year!!!
Best regards,
Josef -
Hi, this DTC occurs when the DIM firmware actually IS modified. We have seen several DIMs like that, and once the proper(OEM, untouched) DIM firmware is reloaded, the original mileage appears.
In your case, we can just check your DIM - when possible - do the "Clone DIM" operation in VDASH, but only the first (read) part of it, then just cancel writting. Later, I will review/compare your firmware.
Hi, found your DIM readout. That file IS modified, your "mileage" is 193xxx km. but the DIM reports no values for other units. I have prepared the correct file for your DIM that should reveal the truth, if you like.
Once loaded, the DTC should disappear and the (now hidden) mileages from ECM, DDM, PDM, SRS, BCM and CEM should appear there.
Many Many Many THANKS Pavel!!!!Really appreciate your kindness and help!!!
I have done as You suggested and loadet the new orig software and it works fine!!!(I bought this car defective with water in the engine Ecu and before I wasn't know that vdash exist so I brought the old ecu to a locksmith to clone but no more so so how my story started)
Have nice weekend!!!!
Best regards,
Josef :0)